Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Our Special Day

Today Rhonda and I celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. Over the 25 years we have been blessed with 3 beautiful daughters and legal custody of a 10 year old whom we love as our own. Although there have been many bumps along the way our faith in each other and our love has stood strong. I wouldn't change any of it for nothing, so on our special day I just wanted to say I LOVE YOU BABE and I look forward to another 25.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

My 5 Favorite Telivision Shows

  1. Seinfeld
  2. Law and Order
  3. Forensic Files
  4. House
  5. Hell's Kitchen

Monday, June 4, 2007

Kimmy's Graduation

Yesterday our youngest daughter Kimberly graduated from high school. The weather was threatening so they moved the ceremony inside, however it was very nice. After the ceremony we had an open house and had approximately 200-250 people come to celebrate Kimmy's special day. Kimmy decided last year to participate in the post secondary program offered by the state, since Kimmy had all of her hs credits at the end of her junior year she was able to forgo her senior year and attend Ohio Christian University as a freshman. This fall she will return to Ohio Christian University as a sophomore majoring in Business.