Thursday, December 20, 2007

Remembering Dad

Tonight on the way home from work I stopped by the cemetery to see the new headstone that we purchased for dad and mom's grave. As I stood there thinking about dad and Christmas time I remember how dad didn't like Christmas too much, I'm not saying he didn't like the real meaning of Christmas, however he didn't like the commercial side of it, the buying of presents, trees, and decorations, but he would always enjoy when we all got together as a family on Christmas. Dad I really miss you and wish you were here.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Why Santa's Asking For A Raise

10. The hours, the weather, the trend toward smaller chimneys.

9. Nike won't give him a lucrative side-contract.

8. Reindeer and elves have unionised, driving up his cost.

7. New tax on flying sleighs.

6. Insurance for flying a sleigh has tripled over the past two years.

5. Needs extra cash to cover off-season gambling losses.

4. Air traffic controllers demanding higher kickbacks.

3. Cost of living increase at the North Pole.

2. Children don't leave as many cookies as they used to.

1. The Mrs. told him to.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

How to Tell if You're a Grinch

  • You reuse last year's Christmas cards and send them out under your own name. (5 points)

  • You steal light bulbs from you neighbor's outdoor display to replenish your own supply. (5 points, 10 if neighbor's whole light sets or lighted Santa goes out)

  • You have dressed a dog or cat as Santa Claus, elf helper, or reindeer. (10 points for each; if you dressed an endangered species, 5 extra points)

  • You put out last year's stale candy canes for children. (1 point for each piece of sticky candy).

  • If you put out a chocolate or marzipan Santa also, add 10 points.
    You enclose a shoddy and inferior gift from Target, Walmart, or K-Mart in a Bloomingdale's or other prestige box to impress your friends. (5 points for each infraction).

  • You make collect long distance phone calls to your family on Christmas day. (5 points, 10 if from a cell phone), claiming you are stuck in a phone booth.

  • At the office Christmas party, you horde huge stockpiles of goodies for later consumption at home. (5 points; 15 points if you use this stuff for your own party)

  • You steal the wreath from a parked car to use on your own [Southern California only, others ignore]. (5 points -- nobody but Angelenos are dumb enough to dress a car)
    After an invitation to a friend's house, you bring a commercially produced fruitcake and try to pass it off as home made. (5 points; 15 points if the fruitcake is from last year).

  • Any stealing from the Toys-for-Tots collection bins is a definite no-no. (20 points)
    Evaluate your score on the "Grinch Scale" from 20 to 100.

20-30: You are just a cheeseball.
30-50: You are an apprentice in Yuletide larceny and are probably wanted by the police for overdue parking tickets.
50-100: Grinch, move over. The Meyer Lansky of Christmas crime has arrived.

White Death Is Here

As predicted the snow/freezing rain has been coming down for a few hours. I have taken a nap and had a bowl of homemade potato and bacon soup. This evening will be one of watching television and relaxing. So for now let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Monday, December 10, 2007

New Member Of The Slark Family

Here is the newest member of the Slark family, his name is Dudley he is a 3 year old male miniature poodle, he weighs 14 pounds.

Going Back To Work

I know it seems crazy but I'm so glad I get to go back to work tomorrow after being off for a week and a half for emergency eye surgery. Woo-hoo. The doctor says that I'm 20/30 in my right eye and before the surgery I was 20/25 so I have a little way to go.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

I Can See Again !!!!

After a week or so of impaired vison I can see again. On Friday evening while riding with my wife to Columbus I was able to distinguish makes and models of vehicles and license plates. I was so excited because the prognosis from the doctor really had me scared, he was saying he couldn't guarantee when or if I would regain my sight back. Thanks to my wife Rhonda who took care of me by making sure I had everything I needed and taking me to the frequent doctor appointments, and to the many individuals and churches that interceded in prayer for me, however the one who deserves all the credit is Jesus Christ, he was with me through it all. Once again this shows the faithfulness of God and with Him all things are possible. I see the doctor again tomorrow and I pray he will release me to go back to work.